Inspiring designs and art by Kate McCarthy

EnglishLines and colors, characters and textures.
Today my dose of inspiration come from Kate McCarthy from Australia, with these original pieces of art!

Canvas and boards by Kate McCarthy  Inspiring designs and art by Kate McCarthy

Canvas and boards by Kate McCarthy  Inspiring designs and art by Kate McCarthy

Also her sculptures and installations are very interesting.

Love the combination of colors and the detail son the head and on the body, in an alternation of materials.

Painted sculptures by Kate McCarthy  Inspiring designs and art by Kate McCarthy

Kate also creates adorable designs and patterns for tea towels and other objects.

Tea towels designed by Kate McCarthy  Inspiring designs and art by Kate McCarthy

Other paintings in a little bit different style.

So adorably strange and cute!

Canvas and paintings by Kate McCarthy  Inspiring designs and art by Kate McCarthy

You can find Kate on her website, Facebook and Twitter too.

Worthwhile to save her as a favorite, isn’t it? :)

ItalianoLinee e colori, personaggi e texture.
Oggi la mia dose di ispirazione viene da Kate McCarthy dall’Australia, con questi pezzi artistici originali!

Canvas and boards by Kate McCarthy  Inspiring designs and art by Kate McCarthy

Canvas and boards by Kate McCarthy  Inspiring designs and art by Kate McCarthy

Anche le sue sculture e installazioni sono molto interessanti…

Amo la combinazione di colori e  i dettagli sulla testa e nel corpo di queste sculture, un’alternanza curata di materiali.

Painted sculptures by Kate McCarthy  Inspiring designs and art by Kate McCarthy

Kate crea adorabili design e pattern per tovagliette da thè handmade e altri oggetti.

Tea towels designed by Kate McCarthy  Inspiring designs and art by Kate McCarthy

Altri dipinti in uno stile leggermente differente.

Adorabilmente strani e coccoli!

Canvas and paintings by Kate McCarthy  Inspiring designs and art by Kate McCarthy

Trovate Kate nel suo sito, su Facebook e Twitter.

Un’altra artista che vale la pena di salvare tra i preferiti, che dite? :)

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