IB Flickr Group picks: seriously cute

EnglishBag and bow with pom poms by Silvias Think  IB Flickr Group picks: seriously cute

accessories2  IB Flickr Group picks: seriously cute

1. Bag and bow with little pom poms by Silvia’s Think | 2. Floral wrist cuff by xxxredstitchxxx | 3. Illustrated brooches by Mary and the teapot | 4. To my family origami hearts by Liukse | 5. Pink and wood by Artoleria | 6. Jade green mocassins by Madame Renard | 7. Jarred worry by Taylored Curiosities

A collection of handmade creations that are… seriously cute!

Plus I want to introduce you two new entries in our picks’ posts section – it’s their first time here: Silvia’s Think and Artoleria. Welcome on IB girls!

Wish you all a ssssuperlative week end!! :)

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ItalianoBag and bow with pom poms by Silvias Think  IB Flickr Group picks: seriously cute

accessories2  IB Flickr Group picks: seriously cute

1. Bag and bow with little pom poms by Silvia’s Think | 2. Floral wrist cuff by xxxredstitchxxx | 3. Illustrated brooches by Mary and the teapot | 4. To my family origami hearts by Liukse | 5. Pink and wood by Artoleria | 6. Jade green mocassins by Madame Renard | 7. Jarred worry by Taylored Curiosities

Una collezione di creazioni handmade che sono… seriamente carine!

In più, voglio presentarvi due ‘new entries’ della nostra sezione dei picks settimanali – è la prima volta che compaiono qui in IB: Silvia’s Think e Artoleria. Benvenute ragazze!

Auguro a tutti un week end ssssuperlativo!! :)

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