1. Hand drawn cardboard pillow boxes – packaging by Mafa+ | 2. Jo Jo the Dog Faced Boy & Lionel the Man with the Lion’s Mane by Lauren_Peppiatt | 3. Hand drawn stickers by Makkinoso | 4. We sparkle by Ju.hu. | 5. Le hammerhead shark – Moleskine journal by leanimalé| 6. I Was Dressed to Party by Harem6 | 7. Tiger by stefania manzi
Hand drawn hand drawn hand drawn hand drawn hand drawn. Hand drawn.
This post is a celebration to my passion for freehand drawings. Impossible not to love them.
Great works Bloomers! Thanks for being in the group!!
Enjoy your colorful week end,
creativity needs fresh energy!

1. Hand drawn cardboard pillow boxes – packaging by Mafa+ | 2. Jo Jo the Dog Faced Boy & Lionel the Man with the Lion’s Mane by Lauren_Peppiatt | 3. Hand drawn stickers by Makkinoso | 4. We sparkle by Ju.hu. | 5. Le hammerhead shark – Moleskine journal by leanimalé| 6. I Was Dressed to Party by Harem6 | 7. Tiger by stefania manzi
Disegnato a mano, disegnato a mano, disegnato a mano, disegnato a mano. Disegnato a mano.
Questo post è una celabrazione alla mia passione per tutto ciò che ha il tratto del disegno fatto a mano libera. E’ impossibile non amarli.
Bloomeri, avete fatto dei bellissimi lavori. Grazie di essere nel gruppo!!
Divertitevi questo week end,
la creatività ha bisogno di enrgie fresche e riposate!

Hand-drawn is totally awesome! :))
Wow, thank you so much for the feature! Big honour to be among such inspiring artists!
woow! thanks for featuring my boxes ! I’m in love with the moleskine and the tiger :)
You’re welcome Mafa! I Love your drawings and these boxes are so yummy for the eyes!
I am TOTALLY about hand-drawn!
LOVE this post.
Such FABULOUS talents out there!
Thanks Char!! :)