IB Flickr Group picks: Dolls and friends

EnglishGalago mini doll  IB Flickr Group picks: Dolls and friends

Dolls and friends  IB Flickr Group picks: Dolls and friends

1. Mini doli by Gálago + Fake watch of Misako Mimoko | 2. Forest creature by Quinn 68 | 3. Butterfly lover – Art Doll by Susana Tavares | 4. Sister Eva by Harem6 | 5. Irina broche by serendipityf | 6. Personaje mini-yo (jack sparrow) by trapolopolis | 7. Talitha by Du Buh Du designs

This week the theme I choose is “Dolls and friends“.

Always fascinated by all these diverse styles and the creative reinterpretation of materials, colors and emotions. You’re great!

Tomorrow I’ll be at an event here called “Blob 2.0“. It’s organized all around the city, and it’s about social media, marketing, web’s opportunities, conferences, new projects, workshops… There’s also a 2.0 treasure hunt! It must be funny!

So my week end will be a little bit nerdy, and my ears will be all wide open to capture anything interesting!

And what about your week end? Have you planned something exciting/funny/relaxing?

A super huge hug!

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ItalianoGalago mini doll  IB Flickr Group picks: Dolls and friends

Dolls and friends  IB Flickr Group picks: Dolls and friends

1. Mini doli by Gálago + Fake watch of Misako Mimoko | 2. Forest creature by Quinn 68 | 3. Butterfly lover – Art Doll by Susana Tavares | 4. Sister Eva by Harem6 | 5. Irina broche by serendipityf | 6. Personaje mini-yo (jack sparrow) by trapolopolis | 7. Talitha by Du Buh Du designs

Vedere tutti questi stili differenti mi affascina sempre, così come la reinterpretazione creativa dei materiali, dei colori e delle emozioni. Siete fantastici!

Domani sarò ad un enveto chiamato Blob 2.0“. E’ organizzato in giro per tutta la città e ruota attorno ai social media, al marketing, alle opportunità che offre il web, ci saranno conferenze, nuovi progetti, workshops… C’è anche una Caccia al Tesoro 2.0! Fantastico! Sarà divertente!

Insomma il mio week end sarà un pò nerd-y e le mie orecchie spalancate per catturare e immagazzinare le cose più interessanti!

E il vostro week end? State organizzando qualcosa di eccitante? Che farete di bello?

Un abbraccio grande così!

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