1. Ileana cosanzeana illustration by madi_andronic | 2. For the Love of Beards by paper_pal | 3. Light Mason by Vibrant Destruction | 4. Risografia illustration by Thierry Jaspart / Andalltha | 5. Midsummer night by ju.hu. | 6. Final project drawing by Gabriella@Barouch
They’re just my eyes, or even your are shining in front of such great beauty?
I’m totally shocked by these illustrations – can I say shocked? It’s so.
I wanted to group together a selection of works that were representative of different styles and techniques.
Guys for me this is pure inspiration.
I hope you’ll enjoy admiring them and would like to say also “studying” them. When I find great works of art, this is what I like to do: study and try to learn. I think observation can teach a lot.
Open these links one by one and… enjoy!
A titanic thanks to all the amazing Bloomers that share their creations with this community.
I’m loving you. Seriously.

1. Ileana cosanzeana illustration by madi_andronic | 2. For the Love of Beards by paper_pal | 3. Light Mason by Vibrant Destruction | 4. Risografia illustration by Thierry Jaspart / Andalltha | 5. Midsummer night by ju.hu. | 6. Final project drawing by Gabriella@Barouch
Sono i miei occhi, o anche i vostri stanno sbarluccicando davati a cotanta bellezza?
Sono scioccata da queste illustrazioni – si può dire scioccata? E’ così.
Ho voluto raggruppare una selezione di lavori che fossero rappresentativi di differenti stili e tecniche.
Per me questa è pura ispirazione.
Spero che ve li godrete ammirandoli e, vorrei dire, anche “studiandoli”. Quando trovo lavori artistici meravigliosi, è questo quello che faccio: li studio e cerco di imparare. Credo che l’osservazione possa insegnare tanto.
Aprite questi links ad uno ad uno e… godeteveli!
Un grazie titanico a tutti i fantastici Bloomers che condividono le loro creazioni con questa community.
Vi amo. No, sul serio.

IB Flickr Group picks: Illustration’s styles and techniques. Be inspired! | Imaginative Bloom
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IB Flickr Group picks: Illustration’s styles and techniques. Be inspired! | Imaginative Bloom
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Wow, I am stunned to find my work here! Thank you so much! Big honour!
These are so stunning. It’s tough to pick a favourite, but the bear is really drawing me in. Thanks for sharing these.
How true! It was hard also to choose from the group. So many amazing illustrators!
Favolose tutte!!! *___________*
Stunning! x
Aren’t they? I’m in love.
I am so thrilled that I’m in your favourite picks!! I absolutely love your blog and I find it a constantly growing source of inspiration. Thank you for your feature and looking forward to seeing nice works again:)
Madi your illustrations are amazing! It was hard for me to choose one :)