1. Illustration by Jenny.M. | 2. Full illustration by Gabriella@Barouch | 3. Cat Bowie by Bianca Tupinambá | 4. The woodland people by electricalgloom | 5. Mary in the Garden by Emma Block | 6. Lamaprint by my muse comes and goes | 7. Nova onda – acrylic on canvas by Viti Works
Illustrations always make me dream.
Little and big, stylized or detailed, abstract or realistic.
What is most striking to your attention now?
Observing them I’m captured by the story, the feeling, the lines. I could spent hours describing every little details and how much different they are from each other. If you think about it, it’s incredible.
Fascinating thing, telling stories through a canvas and a brush, a pen and a sheet of paper.
I’m pervaded by an “artistic romanticism” in this moment, so I wish you a magic week end.

1. Illustration by Jenny.M. | 2. Full illustration by Gabriella@Barouch | 3. Cat Bowie by Bianca Tupinambá | 4. The woodland people by electricalgloom | 5. Mary in the Garden by Emma Block | 6. Lamaprint by my muse comes and goes | 7. Nova onda – acrylic on canvas by Viti Works
Le illustrazioni mi fanno sempre sognare.
Piccole e grandi, stilizzate o dettagliate, astratte o realistiche.
Qual’è la cosa che ti sta colpendo di più ora?
Osservandole sono catturata dalla storia, dalle emozioni che raccontano, dalle linee. Potrei spendere ore a descrivere ogni piccolo dettaglio e quanto siano differenti l’una dall’altra. Se ci pensate è incredibile.
Cosa affascinante, raccontare storie attraverso una tela e un pennello, una penna e un foglio di carta.
Sono pervasa da un senso di “romanticismo artistico” in questo momento, perciò, vi auguro un week end magico.

ah thank you for posting my woodland people! I’m so glad you liked them : )
They’re so cute and original Rebecca! Thanks for being part of IB with your works :)
Meravigliose tutte, adoro Mary in the garden! Ti auguro una magica domenica pomeriggio ;)
Mery grazie, spero abbia passato anche tu una bella domenica… e buon inizio di settimana!
oooh WOW~! This is a delicious selection!!
Hi Thea! Thank you :)
great choice ! I like especially the illustration of Jenny Meilihove
Thank you! I think I love all her illustrations! :)
Omg i got french corrections when i type! Instead of smiling it posted smoking LOL and tour for YOUR LOL ^^
ehehehe don’t worry Desi! Then there is someone who smokes when is happy! :D
Thanks for stopping by, your lama is too cute!
Thank u so much for posting m’y work in tour amazing site! I cant help but smoking and saying yeiiiiiiii!