IB Flickr Group picks: Wear-able.


24  IB Flickr Group picks: Wear-able.

12  IB Flickr Group picks: Wear-able.

1. Ring cloud silver by Twinklebird| 2. Petite Silver Leaves Earrings by galejade | 3. Vintage Inspired Tulle Hostess Apron by drummergirl007 | 4. Gas man T-shirt by Tracey Meek | 5. Ethnic rainbow bracelets by Under A New Light | 6. White and Black bag by bussolacreazioni

A titanic Welcome to all the new artists that joined the IB Flickr Group this week!
Super happy and excited to have you with us guys!

This time I’ve wanted to pick from the pool only wearable things and accessories.

A touch of fashion, a bit of vintage, a drop of mint blue, and a cloud.

Hope you like them!

Enjoy your week end. I mean take some time to relax and smile.
A hug from me :)

Imaginative Bloom Flickr Group banner


24  IB Flickr Group picks: Wear-able.

12  IB Flickr Group picks: Wear-able.

1. Ring cloud silver by Twinklebird| 2. Petite Silver Leaves Earrings by galejade | 3. Vintage Inspired Tulle Hostess Apron by drummergirl007 | 4. Gas man T-shirt by Tracey Meek | 5. Ethnic rainbow bracelets by Under A New Light | 6. White and Black bag by bussolacreazioni

Un Benvenuto titanico a tutti i nuovi artisti che si sono iscritti al Gruppo Flickr di IB questa settimana!
Super felice ed emozionata di avervi con noi!

Questa volta ho voluto scegliere dal gruppo solo cose e accessori  indossabili.

Un tocco fashion, un pò di vintage, una goccia di azzurro menta, e una nuvola.

Spero vi piacciano!

Passate un bel week end. Voglio dire… prendetevi del tempo per rilassarvi e sorridere.
Un abbraccio :)

Imaginative Bloom Flickr Group banner

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