IB Flickr Group picks: Meeting of Styles for your Wall

English13  IB Flickr Group picks: Meeting of Styles for your Wall

tile7  IB Flickr Group picks: Meeting of Styles for your Wall

1. Irene’s bedroom – painted wall by Studio Fludd | 2. A4 print by Munieca | 3. In a shadow box by JooJoo | 4. Never Alone – Collage mixed media wall art by Mafa – Pinkrain | 5. Little bird on a tree by Little Blue Day | 6. Red flowers watercolor painting by Karina Meier | 7. Painting by rintintinneke | 8. Guturo junto a Sebastian Villarreal – Collab by Guturo | 9. Punch needle embroidery by Fascinating Girl

Take a peek at the other photos of the painted wall by Studio Fludd, details are amazing!
I had fun imagining your works hanging on the wall of my room and my Lab*. It’s cool to see all these styles together! Biiig Uuup :)

* it’s under restyling, but I can’t wait to show you some pics as soon as it will be again a creative space worthy of this name!

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Italiano13  IB Flickr Group picks: Meeting of Styles for your Wall

tile7  IB Flickr Group picks: Meeting of Styles for your Wall

1. Irene’s bedroom – painted wall by Studio Fludd | 2. A4 print by Munieca | 3. In a shadow box by JooJoo | 4. Never Alone – Collage mixed media wall art by Mafa – Pinkrain | 5. Little bird on a tree by Little Blue Day | 6. Red flowers watercolor painting by Karina Meier | 7. Painting by rintintinneke | 8. Guturo junto a Sebastian Villarreal – Collab by Guturo | 9. Punch needle embroidery by Fascinating Girl

Date una sbirciatina alle altre foto del muro dipinto da Studio Fludd, i dettagli sono troppo belli!
Mi sono divertita a immaginare i vostri lavori appesi al muro della mica camera e del mio Lab*. E’ una figata vedere tutti questi stili diversi mescolati insieme! Biiig Uuup :)

* è in fase restyling, ma non vedo l’ora di mostrarvi qualche foto non appena sarà ritornato uno spazio creativo degno di questo nome!

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