Sketchbook stories from The Good Machinery

Englishcircus bear  Sketchbook stories from The Good Machinery

sketchbook stories 3  Sketchbook stories from The Good Machinery

sketchbook stories  Sketchbook stories from The Good Machinery

I like the idea of  creating these softies from stories drawn in a sketchbook. All the typical strokes left by an hand-drawn illustration are visible and give to the work a special touch. I love this feature almost on everything – porcelain, wood, clay, metal… – the hand-drawn touch is absolutely one of my favs.

While I was watching these beautiful creations, I also noticed that they come from an Italian artist, exactly from Rimini. She works under the name The Good Machinery and here’s her Etsy shop. Take a look and spread the love!

Italianocircus bear  Sketchbook stories from The Good Machinery

sketchbook stories 3  Sketchbook stories from The Good Machinery

sketchbook stories  Sketchbook stories from The Good Machinery

Mi piace l’idea di creare degli oggetti imbottiti da storie disegnate in un quaderno per gli schizzi (sketchbook). Tutti i tratti tipici lasciati da un disegno fatto a mano restano visibili e danno al lavoro un tocco speciale. Amo questa caratteristica praticamente in tutto – porcellana, legno, ceramica, metallo… – il tocco del tratto fatto a mano libera è assolutamente uno dei miei prefriti.

Mentre stavo osservendo queste belle creazioni, ho anche notato che vengono da un artista italiana, esattamente da Rimini. Lavora sotto al nome The Good Machinery e questo è il suo Etsy shop. Visitatelo e spargete la voce!

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