Today I’ve surfed around to find some supa dupa yummy products for my bath.
The rules I give to myself for the selection where:
* have mostly natural ingredients
* be super yummm
* smell good
* prettify me & my bathroom
* have sweet and cuddly colours
* have affordable prices
Enjoy! :))
1. Lavander Loofa Soap by Layla
2. French Macaron soap goat’s milk and blueberry scent by KcSoapsNmore
3. Apple cinnamon cider facial cream goat’s milk & shea butter by MeaCulpaBodyandBath
4. Handcrafted soaps by southernvtsoap
5. Toasted coconut lip balm by naiad
6. Pear soap with shea & mango butters by naturesedgefarm
7. Watermelon soap (Vegan) by dennisanderson
8. Organic lavender facial cleansing scrub (Vegan) by herbolution
9. Mandarin, pennyroyal and clove perfume by scodioli
10. Sweet peach shea butter lip balm by familiarlover
Oggi ho navigato alla ricerca di alcuni prodotti suuuper yummy per me ed il mio bagno.
Le regole che mi sono data per la selezione sono state:
* avere ingredienti per lo più naturali
* essere super super yummmmy
* avere un buon profumo
* rendere più carini me ed il mio bagno
* avere colori dolci e coccolosi
* avere prezzi accessibili.
Enjoy! :))
1. Lavander Loofa Soap by Layla
2. French Macaron soap goat’s milk and blueberry scent by KcSoapsNmore
3. Apple cinnamon cider facial cream goat’s milk & shea butter by MeaCulpaBodyandBath
4. Handcrafted soaps by southernvtsoap
5. Toasted coconut lip balm by naiad
6. Pear soap with shea & mango butters by naturesedgefarm
7. Watermelon soap (Vegan) by dennisanderson
8. Organic lavender facial cleansing scrub (Vegan) by herbolution
9. Mandarin, pennyroyal and clove perfume by scodioli
10. Sweet peach shea butter lip balm by familiarlover

Thanks to you for stopping by! Sooner or later I must try them all!
Thank you for featuring our Organic Lavender Cleansing Grains. This is a fabulous collection!