EnglishMoods and faces all around! These lovely handpainted ceramics are made by Harriet Damav of The House Of Harriet, from Amsterdam.
They’re designed for everyday use, are dishwasher proof and can even be used in the microwave (great thing!). Available in the Harrietts’ etsy shop.
They’re designed for everyday use, are dishwasher proof and can even be used in the microwave (great thing!). Available in the Harrietts’ etsy shop.
ItalianoEspressioni e facce ovunque! Queste belle ceramiche dipinte a mano sono fatte da Harriet Damav di The House Of Harriet, da Amsterdam.
Sono progettati per l’uso quotidiano, lavabili in lavastoviglie e possono anche essere utilizzati nel forno a microonde (gran cosa!). Disponibili nell’ etsy shop di Harriet.
Sono progettati per l’uso quotidiano, lavabili in lavastoviglie e possono anche essere utilizzati nel forno a microonde (gran cosa!). Disponibili nell’ etsy shop di Harriet.

So sweet Spill! Thank you so much! <3
There are so much great art and artists out there!! If I could I’ll feature one per hour!
I am LOVING your blog and the beautiful and cool stuff you feature! Thank you for being YOU! xoxoox