Helen Dardik

EnglishIllustration by Helen Dardik

Illustration by Helen Dardik

Illustration by Helen Dardik

Curious to know if the main ingredient for such fantastic illustrations is to be the mother of three beautiful little girls or just the experience to be a great illustrator and designer! ;)

She’s Helen Dardik from Canada. You can take a tour around her blog to see how much projects and collaborations she has done (digital, watercolor, gouache etc). I leave you just few links to give an idea: vinyl wall art at chocovenyl.co.uk, patterns for the amazing  Print & Pattern book, sketchbook cover for ecojot, printed tote bag for BlueQ, and so on.

Not yet in love with all this? Don’t miss her etsy shop too!

ItalianoIllustration by Helen Dardik

Illustration by Helen Dardik

Illustration by Helen Dardik

Sono curiosa di sapere se l’ingrediente principale di queste fantastiche illustrazioni sia l’essere madre di 3 bellissime bambine o se basti l’esperienza di essere un’eccellente  illustratrice e designer ! ;)

Lei è Helen Dardik dal Canada. Puoi fare un giro sul suo blog per vedere a quanti progetti e collaborazioni abbia partecipato (digitale, acquarello, gouache etc). Vi lascio giusto qualche link per darvi un idea: arte da muro in vinile a chocovenyl.co.uk, patterns per il fantastico libro ‘Print & Pattern‘ , copertine per gli sketchbook di ecojot, stampe per tote bag di BlueQ, e via così.

Non siete ancora innamorate di tutto ciò?  Non perdetevi nemmeno l’ etsy shop!

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