IB Flickr group picks: Drawing your world...

EnglishPhoto illustration by Jenny M Imaginative Bloom Flickr group picks  IB Flickr group picks: Drawing your world…

Drawing your world Imaginative Bloom Flickr group picks  IB Flickr group picks: Drawing your world…

1. Photo Illustration by Jenny M. | 2. Autobus illustration by Aurora Cacciapuoti | 3. Wind, rain and a pink flower by kitty jujube | 4. Egg boy by Tracey Meek | 5. We move mountains Postcard by Pinkrain Indie Design| 6. Windmills acrylic on board by rintintinneke | 7. Hilly hillage mixed media art by lizin8or

Ok, this time I felt in love with the photo-illustration you see at the top by Jenny M. and from it comes the theme of the week, and then pooof… all the other picks!

Love how she added digital illustrated details on the photo!
In an overview it gives the impression that it’s an entirely illustrated image. awwww.
Something reminds me to Amélie Poulain.

I love all these single works guys…
Bloomers are the best! (I know, I already said it… but it’s true, it’s your fault :P)

{ psssst. From tomorrow, Saturday 28th to the 1st of May, I’ll be out for a conference and I probably won’t have internet connection, or maybe for few minutes per day – but but but – I’ll do my best to keep reading all what you write and hopefully I’ll be albe to share something from my smart phone. I already know I’ll miss you ♥ }

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ItalianoPhoto illustration by Jenny M Imaginative Bloom Flickr group picks  IB Flickr group picks: Drawing your world…

Drawing your world Imaginative Bloom Flickr group picks  IB Flickr group picks: Drawing your world…

1. Photo Illustration by Jenny M. | 2. Autobus illustration by Aurora Cacciapuoti | 3. Wind, rain and a pink flower by kitty jujube | 4. Egg boy by Tracey Meek | 5. We move mountains Postcard by Pinkrain Indie Design| 6. Windmills acrylic on board by rintintinneke | 7. Hilly hillage mixed media art by lizin8or

Questa volta mi son innamorata della foto-illustrazione di Jenny M. Da quella è arrivato il tema della settimana, e poi da lì, puuuf… tutti gli altri ‘picks’!

Adoro il modo in cui ha aggiunto le illustrazioni digitali nella foto!
Ad uno sguardo d’insieme da l’impressione che l’immagine sia interamente illustrata.
In qualche modo mi ricorda Amélie Poulain.

Sono tutti davvero stupendi…
Bloomers, siete li meJo! (si, dai, qui nella versione Italiana mi sfogo un pò con qualche intercalare dialettale preso a random dalla nostra cara penisola, posso vé? :P)

{ psssst. Da domani, Sabato 28 Aprile all’ 1 Maggio, sarò fuori per un convegno e probabilmente non avrò la connessione internet, o davvero per poco – ma ma ma – farò il possibile per leggervi!! Forse riuscirò a pubblicare anche qualcosa dal mio scrausissimo, ma a volte fedele, smart phone. Giassò che mi mancherete ♥ }

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2 comments to IB Flickr group picks: Drawing your world…
  • Edina

    I just LOVE your website, so inspiring! you seem to be a kindred spirit, our tastes are identical!!! ;) I also speak English and Italian and love the same type of crafts and design! Thank you for your work!!! ;)

    • Thanks Edina, for all your kind words!
      My heart sing every time I read that my posts are inspiring to someone!

      Thanks to you, a lot, for stopping by.
      You’re always welcome to join and browse around :)

      hugs from Italy!