What original combinations of textures, shapes, proportions…
I watch all the details, observe all their component parts… How wonderful!
I’m totally enraptured by these art doll and sculpture works!
It took me a while to find who the artist is, I found all pages in Russian, but at the end, thanks to the precious Google translate tool, I had the answer: Dmitry P. Zhurylkyn, and Dima RV should be the artistic name.
Here’s the link to the Russian site www.artdolls.ru, where besides other atists you can find the section dedicated to Dima RV.
I found this artist via Marieta Golomehova Facebook album.
Thanks for letting me find out! Definitely inspiring!!

Che combinazioni di texture, fibre, forme, proporzioni…
Guardo i dettagli, osservo tutte le piccole parti che le compongono… Che meraviglia!
Sono rapita da chi riesce a realizzare cose così originali e particolari come queste art doll/sculture.
Ci ho messo un pò a risalire a chi fosse l’artista perché trovavo tutte le pagine in Russo!
Ma alla fine, grazie al prezioso strumento traduzione di Google, ho avuto la risposta: Dmitry P. Zhurylkyn, e Dima RV dovrebbe essere il suo “nome d’arte”.
Questo è il link al sito Russo www.artdolls.ru dove, tra gli altri artisti, potete trovare la sezione dedicata a Dima RV.
Ho trovato questo artista tramite l’album di Facebook di Marieta Golomehova.
Grazie per avermelo fatto scoprire! Super ispirante!!
(la parola “inspiring” suona sempre meglio in inglese… possibile che non mi venga in mente una traduzione migliore in Italiano? Help! :P)

Davvero magnifici! Il primo e il secondo su tutti
Little or huge it is all a matter of perspective and its great to be part of a creative process. And I believe that an ‘all messed up brain’ is a key ingredient to great art. I am sure it will be brilliant Irene.
Big hug right back at you all the way from Athens
Thank you! I hope it will turn out nice too :)))
LoL, Christina you’re adorable!
Yeeep I really need a rest cause in these days I’m working on many things simultaneously and my brain sometimes is all messed up :D
Sure, I promise I’ll share some info about what I’m working on these days as soon as the work will be finished (when I’ll have done my part it will need some more time to be completed by people who commissioned it to me… oh, said in this way sounds like something HUGE.
LoL In the truth is a little thing… but I love to contribute to this kind of projects when I can, so I said Yeeees :)
Sending you a hug!
You are my daily fix :)
I know from your facebook posts that you’ve been working hard on your lab these days, so I would like to wish you a good night’s rest.
p.s. any chance of some peeps of what you’re working on?