Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.

English13  Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.

1. Caramel and Cream Stripe Grosgrain Ribbon | 2. Yellow and White Bakers Twine | 3. Yellow wired pom pom | 4. Yellow Tissue Garland

For this summer you will see lot of yellow (and stripes too, yay! I adore stipes!) around. And I’m loving it!

I think it’s one of the loveliest colors for the summer season of this year.
I’m finding many yellow things that are inspiring me out there  and I think they’re perfect to give a touch of fashioned fresh style to the packaging of our works.

Above I’ve just picked a few, but if you take a look to the shop I linked and to all the shops that supplies this kind of goodies, you’ll find a universe!

5  Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.

1. Sewing Twill Tape/Ribbon Chic Plums |2. Shabby Chic Tassel Lace – Embroidered Wave In Blue and Red |3. Sewing Tape/Ribbon – Summer Party Flag |4. Embroidery Sewing Tape/Ribbon – Sea Anchors

Ribbons! They’re another great touch of style you can add to embellish the final package.

I’ve selected these four ribbons because I particularly love their colors and the design and they perfectly fit the actual trend: we have the ones with bright and super pop colors, the shabby chic, the inevitable party flags and the retro mood with the white anchors on blue.

4  Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.

1. Large Cotton Pompoms | 2. Notebook Bitty Bags | 3. Kraft Boxes | 4. Mini Hang Tags

A bit of bags, boxes and tags. I’ve picked these because they inspire me lot of ideas!

And look at those tags. So “retro pop“! If you do a research into the make up trend for this summer, you can see it by yourself, you’ll find all these pop colors. Green, mint, pop peach and yellow, also on lipsticks, wonderful!

25  Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.

1. Custom Printed Hang Tags |2. Polka Dot Grosgrain Ribbon |3. Paper Straws |4. Jumbo Ric Rac, 8 Color Bundle

And colors! You can go “rainbow” or elaborate your own palette.

I usually prefer when the package use mostly two or three colors and I love also matching it in some way with the work that it contains. Have you ever tried?

I find that are the little touches on details that can makes your product special for the customer and unique.

31  Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.

1. Tape – Mors lilla Olle | 2. Victorian White Floral Flower Lace Deco Tape Sticker | 3. Washi Tape Lavender Green Mixed Drop Pattern |4. Japanese Masking Tape Dot Dash, Grid, Solid Mint Teal

Decorative tapes are one of those things that can not be missing in our studio.

They can be used in many many ways, just take a look at the pic above for a super simple but so lovely example of wrapping with masking tape.

6  Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.Photo by WonderlandRoom on Etsy

Hope these links and this post have been of some inspiration for the study of your own handmade summer packaging style too!

Have you already some favorite colors’ palette for this Spring/Summer season?
What’s your must have among your packaging supplies?

Italiano13  Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.

1. Caramel and Cream Stripe Grosgrain Ribbon | 2. Yellow and White Bakers Twine | 3. Yellow wired pom pom | 4. Yellow Tissue Garland

Questa estate vedrete molto giallo intorno a voi (e righe anche, evviva! Adoro le righe!). Io lo sto amando!

Penso che sia uno dei colori più belli per la stagione estiva di quest’anno.

Sto trovando molte cose gialle che mi stanno ispirando e credo che siano perfette per dare un tocco di stile fresco e alla moda al packaging dei nostri prodotti.

Qui sopra ne ho selezionati giusto un pò, ma se date un occhio a tutti gli shop linkati e a quelli che forniscono questo tipo di cose, troverete un universo!

5  Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.

1. Sewing Twill Tape/Ribbon Chic Plums |2. Shabby Chic Tassel Lace – Embroidered Wave In Blue and Red |3. Sewing Tape/Ribbon – Summer Party Flag |4. Embroidery Sewing Tape/Ribbon – Sea Anchors

Nastri di stoffa! Possono essere un’altro fantastico tocco di stile da aggiungere per abbellire la confezione finale dei nostri lavori.

Ho scelto questi quattro nastri perché mi piacciono particolarmente i colori e il design, e sono perfetti per l’attuale trend, che poi si suddivide in tanti stili differenti: abbiamo quelli con colori pop super luminosi, quasi fosforescenti,  lo stile shabby chic, le immancabili banderine (party flags) e un pò di gusto retro con le ancore bianche su sfondo blu marinaio.

4  Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.

1. Large Cotton Pompoms | 2. Notebook Bitty Bags | 3. Kraft Boxes | 4. Mini Hang Tags

Un pò di sacchettini, scatoline e tags (etichette). Mi ispirano sempre molte idee!

E guardate questi tags. Così “retro pop“! Se fate una ricerca nel trend del make up di questa estate potete vederlo voi stessi, troverete un sacco di colori “sparaflashati” (no questo termine non l’ho tradotto nella sezione inglese dei posts :D) molto forti e luminosi, anche abbinati fra loro. Verde, menta, pesca, giallo, anche nei rossetti, che bellezza!

25  Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.

1. Custom Printed Hang Tags |2. Polka Dot Grosgrain Ribbon |3. Paper Straws |4. Jumbo Ric Rac, 8 Color Bundle

E i colori. Puoi buttarti sul genere “rainbow” (arcobaleno) o elaborare una tua palette di colori.

Di solito io preferisco quando il packaging usa principalmente due o tre colori massimo e quando possibile mi piace molto anche abbinarli in qualche modo con il prodotto che contiene. Avete mai provato?

Trovo che siano questi piccoli tocchi nei dettagli che possono rendere il prodotto ancora più speciale per il cliente ed unico.

31  Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.

1. Tape – Mors lilla Olle | 2. Victorian White Floral Flower Lace Deco Tape Sticker | 3. Washi Tape Lavender Green Mixed Drop Pattern |4. Japanese Masking Tape Dot Dash, Grid, Solid Mint Teal

Nastri adesivi decorativi. Sono una di quelle cose che non possono mancare nel nostro studio.

Possono essere usati davvero in tanti modi, date un occhio alla foto qui sotto per un’esempio super facile e carino di come possano essere usati per impacchettare e decorare.

6  Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.Photo by WonderlandRoom on Etsy

Spero che questi links e questi spunti vi siano piaciuti e che siano stati di qualche ispirazione anche a voi per lo studio del vostro packaging artigianale versione estiva!

Avete già qualche preferenza per la palette dei vostri colori estivi?
Quali sono i vostri must have (cose da avere assolutamente)  per il vostro packaging?

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12 comments to Packaging. Supplies with a touch of inspiration.
  • FABULOUS!!!!!!!! Now I want to put everything in a little creative package :) hehe



  • Oh love all these things! My absolute must have for now is the japanese book about wrapping and decorating I bought on Etsy at CraftyJapan yesterday:
    Can’t wait to get it in the mail! :)

  • I just love packaging… they are just so lovely..

    • Me too April… it’s the first thing we see when we receive our purchase and the one that give the very first impression and feeling about what we have on our hands. It’s a kind of magic.

  • I like very much the packagings, for me it is very important, it accompanies and prolongs what we buy. There is a pleasure to keep it as something precious or as a track, a souvenir of moment and it is about an attractive attention also. I intend to create my little shop and I think about this aspect a lot!
    At this time I like especially the masking tape and in your selection I like very much the Mini Hang Tags !

    • Thanks for your comment BohèmeCircus, I really resonate with your words! Packaging is part of the creative process to me too.
      And I must say that I usually have lot of fun studying how to create it. I think it’s because it’s a sort of “gift”, something you prepare with love and all your passion for the person who will receive the product.

  • I’m obssesed with packaging supplies. This post is sooo lovely. Going shopping. Thank you my dear friend Irene :) for your inspiration always!

    • Me too Mayi! I’m so so happy you like this post, your opinion means always lot to me :)
      And thanks to you for all this kindness (and for your friendship).
      I’m happy and honored to know you girl.

  • Wow, I apsolutely adore that Shabby Chic Tassel Lace! I used to pack my goods in kraft bags but now I’m starting to replace them with white ones. Paper bags rule! :) And without a tag I can’t imagine sending a package to someone. Everything must be decorated with deco tapes too. As you can see, I’m in love with packaging! :) Nice post indeed.

    • Hi Isi! I love paper bags too! And must say that the lace i selected are really adorable (well, in my opinion!).
      Happy you like the post, packaging is one of my addiction too! :)