Your birthday is the happiest day of my life by curyonthecouch
Hey super shining Bloomers! Do you know what day is today?
It’s the Imaginative Bloom’s birthday!
Time has really flown by and today it’s exactly a year that IB is online. Can you believe it? For me it’s incredible!
When this project was only an idea on my mind, I could not imagine how it would be after one year, did not even know if he would survive in the big blogosphera! As I said in my very first post IB was my first experience with blogging, I started from zero, I didn’t know many things.
And now, in hindsight, I can tell how many are the things I learned in my first year of journey through this project, how many the ones I studied and am continuing to study to improve both my self and IB to make it a place that can support and help better and better all creatives that have a big dream like me, how many other passionate people I met…
1. A Type of Birthday card by DapperPaper | 2. Happy Birthday Triangle Cars by SthephieSays | 3. Confetti Birthday card by emandbee | 4. Birthday bunting by witandwhistle | 5. Happy Birthday hand stamped by TheLetterStudio | 6. Geometric Happy Birthday card by wenduink
Planning to Make it Better and Better
I just want to say that many of the goals that I set when IB was born have been achieved and others were even exceeded. I’m HAPPY.
Now it’s time to bring it to the next level and some of the new goals I want to achieve are already jumping on my head! And I want to share with you my journey, my experiences, everything I’m learning, my passion and all the things that can help to make you turn your creative dreams into something real.
So get ready to see some changes and find new juicy contents for you!
The list of things I would like to tell you is really big, but today I don’t want to bore you. Parties must be funny!
Thanks, Thanks and Thanks
I want to give a super BIG THANKS…
… to all the friends that came here in those first days to support my project and that today are still here, leaving comments, writing me lovely messages with super kind words about Imaginative Bloom and the work I’m doing here, making me feel lucky and happy.
… to all the creative and joyful minds I met along the way and have become a benchmark, a big source of inspiration and dear friends I always like to talk, share and collaborate with.
…to you, that a day found Imaginative Bloom and that, even without knowing much about me, are here today to read another of my posts.
Without YOU this place won’t be the same. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
No gifts, no party!
Ok, *pulling away tears for the touching moment*, since today is a party day, I want to give away for free One Month of Advertising on Imaginative Bloom (any size)
* for the first 2 faster readers who will leave a comment below
* another free month to the one who will write the most funny comment
To be valid you have to leave a comment below answering to this question:
Why the heck would you want your banner published here?
You have time to join until Friday 15th, then I’ll announce the 3 winners!
LoL, good luck!
UPDATES: Here I am with the name of the lucky Bloomers that will become the three new sponsors on IB!
The 2 fastest to leave a comment have been… Jess and Andreia!
And the comment I liked most (it’s been hard to decide!) is the little poem in rhyme written by Laura Morgan!
I want to THANK YOU all for the really lovely words and wishes… But also absolutely funny reading your thoughts! I must say that many Bloomers are really CRAZY! And I love it!!
A hug, happy duppy week end! {*pssst… are you ready for other cool prizes? Come back this Monday! ;) }
Your birthday is the happiest day of my life by curyonthecouch
Hey miei splendenti Bloomers! Sapete che giorno è oggi?
E’ il compleanno di Imaginative Bloom!
Il tempo è davvero volato e oggi è esattamente un anno che IB è online. Per me è incredibile!
Quando questo progetto era solo un idea nella mia mente, non potevo immaginare come sarebbe stato un anno dopo, non avevo nemmeno idea se sarebbe sopravvissuto nella titanica blogosfera! Come scrissi nel mio primissimo post, IB era la mia prima esperienza col blogging in assoluto, ho iniziato da zero, non sapevo molte cose.
E ora, col senno di poi, posso dire quante siano le cose che ho imparato in questo primo anno di viaggio attraverso questo progetto, quante siano quelle che mi sono messa a studiare per migliorare sia me stessa che IB per renderlo un posto che possa supportare e aiutare sempre di più tutti i creativi che hanno un grande sogno come me, e quante altre persone piene di passione ho incontrato…
1. A Type of Birthday card by DapperPaper | 2. Happy Birthday Triangle Cars by SthephieSays | 3. Confetti Birthday card by emandbee | 4. Birthday bunting by witandwhistle | 5. Happy Birthday hand stamped by TheLetterStudio | 6. Geometric Happy Birthday card by wenduink
Progettare per renderlo ogni giorno migliore
Molti degli obiettivi che mi ero prefissata quando IB è nato sono stati raggiunti, e altri hanno anche superato le aspettative. Sono FELICE.
Ora è tempo di portarlo al livello successivo, e alcuni dei nuovi obiettivi che voglio raggiungere stanno già zompettando nella mia testa! E voglio condividere con voi il mio viaggio, le mie esperienze, tutto ciò che sto imparando, la mia passione e tutto quello che può aiutarvi a trasformare anche il vostro sogno in qualcosa di reale.
Perciò preparatevi a vedere piano piano dei cambiamenti e a trovare nuovi contenuti succosi!
La lista delle cose che vorrei dire è davvero lunga, ma oggi non voglio annoiarvi. Le feste devono essere divertenti!
Grazie, Grazie e Grazie
Voglio dire un GRAZIE ENORME…
… a tutti gli amici che sono venuti qui in quei primi giorni per supportare il mio progetto, e che oggi sono ancora qui, a lasciare commenti e a scrivermi messaggi con parole dolcissime su Imaginative Bloom e sul lavoro che sto facendo, facendomi sentire fortunata e felice.
… a tutte le menti creative e brillanti che ho incontrato lungo la strada e che sono diventati dei punti di riferimento, un’ enorme fonte di ispirazione e dei cari amici con cui mi piace sempre parlare, condividere e collaborare.
… a te, che un giorno hai trovato Imaginative Bloom e che, senza nemmeno conoscere molto di me, sei qui oggi a leggere un’altro dei miei posts.
Senza di TE questa “casa” non sarebbe la stessa. Grazie dal profondo del cuore.
Niente regali, niente festa!
Ok, * asciugandomi gli occhi dalle lacrimucce di commozione *, siccome oggi è un giorno di festa, voglio regalare Un Mese di Pubblicità Gratuita in Imaginative Bloom (qualunque taglia di banner):
* per i due lettori più veloci del west a lasciare un commento
* un’altro mese a colui che scriverà il commento più divertente
Perché la partecipazione sia valida dovete lasciare un commento rispondendo a questa domanda:
Perché cavolo dovresti mai volere un banner pubblicato qui? :D
Hai tempo fino a Venerdì 15, dopodiché annuncerò i 3 vincitori!
Buona fortuna!
AGGIORNAMENTI: Eccomi qui con i nomi dei fortunati Bloomers che diventeranno i 3 nuovi sponsor n IB!
I due più veloci a lasciare un commento sono stati… Jess e Andreia!
E il commento che mi è piaciuto di più (è stato difficile scegliere!) è la piccola poesia in rima scritta da Laura Morgan!
Vi ringrazio TUTTI per le parole e gli auguri, davvero dolci… E’ stato divertente leggere i vostri pensieri. Devo dire che molti Bloomers sono davvero dei pazzi! Il che è adorabile!!
Un abbraccio, happy duppy week end! {*pssst… sei pronto per altre premi ‘golosi’? Ti aspetto Lunedì! ;) }

There are some attention-grabbing time limits on this article but I don’t know if I see all of them center to heart. There may be some validity however I will take maintain opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we wish more! Added to FeedBurner as nicely
I will sing for you in french because I love how it sounds even if my french is really bad :-D
Joyeux Anniversaire,
Joyeux Anniversaire,
Joyeux Anniversaire IB !!!!!
Joyeux Anniversaire !
I would love to have a banner here because I need my day of fame!! jaja
Have a super day!
Awwww how sweet to read all of your messages and wishes! A hug one by one!
Tomorrow I’ll announce the 3 lucky sponsors :)
(uh, yes here in Italy are 9 pm now, so you still have 3 hours to join!)
Happy Birthday!
The 12th it was your birthday, and yesterday it was mine! So celebrating it together with my advertisement on your blog would be a great party ;)
Birthday Greetings IB – boy, that year sped by quickly didn’t it!
The Owl,the Hare & the Human (A.K.A Murgatroyd & Bean)would like to wish you continued success and to say thank you for keeping us interested, curious and coming back for more over the last year with your fresh and lively contributions. Why the heck wouldn’t we want to be a part of that!?!
Here’s a favourite joke in the Applewood (where Murgatroyd & Bean come from):
Q. Why did the mushroom get invited to all of the best parties?
A. Because he was such a funghi!
Hope this joke translates beyond the UK!!
Why would I want my banner
published on Imaginative bloom?
To be featured beside such lovely things
Would be everyone’s answer, I presume?
I spend so long promoting events
it really is a chore
If i was featured on this site
I would need to promote no more!
All the bloomers
would hear the rumours
and flock along to see
and all because that lovely Irene had given the add to me …for free!
Happy Birthday! x
I have two ridiculous girlfriends and occasionally they start doing this fake laugh that sounds like a pack of demented hyenas: HA HA HA HA HO HO HO HEE HEE HEE HEE HAW HAW HAW HAW HEE HEE HEE HA HA HA HA
and it’s really loud. It’s just to make me start laughing, and it ALWAYS works. But maybe you have to be there?
Anyway, happy birthday, and many more!
e perchè mai dovrei rinunciare alla possibilità di vedere il mio banner qui nel tuo bellissimo blog?
ciao, continua così e buon compleanno IB!
happy birthday imaginative bloom!! its always a pleasure to be here. and now another big year!
have a nice dau irene
Auguri Irene davvero e complimenti per il lavoro fatto fin qui!!!!
I wish you have 99 of these days, IB!
Thank you for NOT making me discover fresh news about business management and for not talking about lady gaga and its recent scandals!
Tanti auguri IB! io sono notoriamente molto noiosa, non ci provo nemmeno a farti ridere, ti lascio solo gli auguri e un incoraggiamento a continuare così, chissà che novità stai progettando!!
I’m having fun reading all your comments today! ahahahah Thanks to all the Bloomers that are leaving their colorful Happy Birthday wishes and super sweet words.
I love you!
Why the heck WOULDN’T I want my banner published here :) Congrats on your blogiversary!
Buon compleanno innanzitutto :)
Mi piacerebbe avere un banner pubblicato sub Immaginative Bloom perché è bello, perché presenta sempre design originale e perché in un solo anno è già diventato una pietra miliare nel campo, chissà dove sarà al secondo compleanno :D
Happy happy birthday to your side ;)
Why the heck would I want my banner published here? Lets see, umm – Oh the pressure of a funny comment – could you make it any harder! I just dont think Im funny enough to pull it off, my talent lies elsewhere (I hope!!) – that’s why I need to have a banner on your website- I need all the help I can get….!!
Happy Bday IB! Keep on inspiring…
So…I have a little strange humour…I like to see people’s reactions…So…I would follow strangers around the department store and laugh hysterically every time they touch anything.
Happy Birthday to your site!!!
I would love to have a banner here because, well, just because it rocks! You feature some amazing products and some really creative people. I always leave smiling when I stop by for a visit!
I would love to advertise on your blog because it’s such a fabulous blog, and, well, because it might be free! :) (Too bad I wasn’t a tiny bit faster! Story of my life!) I sometimes think for creative business owners like myself, free ad space is like free beer to a college student. What!? Where!?! On Imaginative Bloom?!? No way!! That’s, like, the coolest place! Like, Duuuude!! Dude indeed.
Happiest birthday wishes to you! And thanks for the fun giveaway! Now where can I get my plastic cup?
Happy birthday!
I would like my banner up on Imaginative Bloom so that perhaps my handmade lovelies could bloom in the hearts of your lovely Imaginative Bloom readers.
Happy Birthday ! I would love to advertise on your blog as you always promote so many talented artists ! Have a fab day !!
I want my banner published here because I must create an Imaginative one!
HAPPY birthday IB! I’m joining the party!
Oooh, ooh! Happy Birthday, IB! And Irene, of course! xxx
Thank you so much Jess! Don’t forget to answer to the question if you want to join the “giveaway” :D