IB Flickr Group picks: Handmade Nature

EnglishSam Eye Am  IB Flickr Group picks: Handmade Nature

tile8  IB Flickr Group picks: Handmade Nature

1. Feather ceramic necklace by Sam Eye Am | 2. A bear by Jamie Milk | 3. Pink, gray and purple by Butterfly Mobiles by ButterflyOrb | 4. Birdies on cups by JooJoo| 5. Wallflower – Acrylic on canvas by studiotao | 6. Be mine by emma block | 7. Green leaf ring by Anastasia Egorova – L’Accent Nou | 8. The owl and the pussy cat by lovelui | 9. Cloudy with a chance of rainbows mobile by Baby Jives

This is how IBloomers reinvent the theme of nature. While I was creating this image I was listening to a sweet and delicate song and I really felt inside the nature world. The magic of art… images, sounds and words and in a few minutes  you’re in into another reality.

I think in this last year, on 2010, there are some things and details  that are recurrent in some way: clouds, drops, owls, bears, birds…  In 2011 instead I’m noticing that lots of creatives are using feathers as subject.

There seems to be some sort of  “trend”, even behind art.
Do you think is so? What subjects in your opinion will be most used and reinvented by artists  becoming the new trend for 2011?

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ItalianoSam Eye Am  IB Flickr Group picks: Handmade Nature

tile8  IB Flickr Group picks: Handmade Nature

1. Feather ceramic necklace by Sam Eye Am | 2. A bear by Jamie Milk | 3. Pink, gray and purple by Butterfly Mobiles by ButterflyOrb | 4. Birdies on cups by JooJoo| 5. Wallflower – Acrylic on canvas by studiotao | 6. Be mine by emma block | 7. Green leaf ring by Anastasia Egorova – L’Accent Nou | 8. The owl and the pussy cat by lovelui | 9. Cloudy with a chance of rainbows mobile by Baby Jives

Ecco come gli IBloomers reinventano il tema della natura.
Mentre stavo creando questo puzzle di immagini ascoltavo una canzone molto dolce e delicata e mi sono davvero sentita in mezzo alla natura. Questa è la magia dell’arte… immagini, suoni, parole e in pochi minuti sei catapultato in un’altra realtà.

Penso che in quest’ultimo anno, nel 2010, ci siano delle cose e dei dettagli che sono in qualche modo ricorrenti: nuvole, goccie, gufi, orsi, uccelli… Nel 2011 invece sto notando che molti creativi stanno usando come soggetto le piume, per esempio.

Sembra esserci una sorta di “trend/tendenza” , anche dietro all’arte. Cosa ne pensate?
Quali saranno secondo voi i soggetti che verranno più usati e reinterpretati dagli artisti e che creeranno una nuova tendenza per il 2011?

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