1. Tree by Crescent hill designs | 2. Fresh from the fields by The Secret Hermit1 | 3. Blattodea illustrated notebook by KreativeHouse | 4. Winnifred witch art doll by Bewitchedmagic | 5. Kitty scarf by Fedulab | 6. My boy lollypop by Scrumptiousdelight | 7. Corcheted pumpkins by LaPerLaA1
We’re getting closer to Halloween so I’ve picked 7 works that remind me the Halloween theme: pumpkins, cockroaches, blacks cats, witches, trick or treat?
Congrats to the seven artists selected for their beautiful creations! Who will be next?
Keep on submitting your wonderful works in the Imaginative Bloom flickr group! :)

1. Tree di Crescent hill designs | 2. Fresh from the fields di The Secret Hermit1 | 3. Blattodea illustrated notebook di KreativeHouse | 4. Winnifred witch art doll di Bewitchedmagic | 5. Kitty scarf di Fedulab | 6. My boy lollypop di Scrumptiousdelight | 7. Corcheted pumpkins di LaPerLaA1
Ho scelto 7 lavori che mi ricordano il tema di Halloween: zucche, scarafaggi, gatti neri, streghe… dolcetto o scherzetto?
Complimenti ai sette artisti selezionati per le loro bellissime creazioni! Chi saranno i prossimi?
Continuate a caricare le foto delle vostre meravigliose creazioni nel gruppo flickr di Imaginative Bloom! :)

Thanks for including our Insekta notebooks!
Thanks for including my doll! :)
this is so pretty!
@ Lisa: Here in Italy someone celebrate it and in some local there are halloween’s parties but it’s not so popular as in USA!
@ Micki: You’re welcome! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! :)
Thanks for chosing my work!!
Love the candy corn tree!!
Lovely picks! I wish we would celebrate Halloween too here in the Netherlands!